By Number Three
Public schools have always been centers of high academic standards, high morals, and high ideals. I, for the most part, have always supported them. A strong public education system is important to the security of our nation. It ensures our defensive and moral superiority world wide. As much, however, as I support the public education system, I am first and foremost a moral man. Unfortunately our public education system is currently facing a very amoral threat. The left has begun a push to mandate the instruction of the proper use of seat belts in our schools. That is why I would like to commend the efforts of the current administration in helping to insure that our public education system is not filthied by the teaching of such a dangerous topic.
Wearing seat belts encourages kids to drive. It's a plain and simple fact. Driving is clearly an activity reserved for us grown-ups. Reserved for those of us old enough to understand that the only moral reason to drive is to get to one's destination. There exists absolutely no valid reason to drive other than getting from point A to point B.
Teaching kids how to wear a seat belt sends the wrong message. It says, "We're okay with you driving". It says, "We like to drive." If we're going to teach our kids how to use seat belts, we might as well just tell them that driving can be a fun and healthy activity! Teaching this unholy subject puts the very moral fabric of our good nation at risk. First we teach them how to wear a seat belt. Then Johnny gets the funny idea that because he knows how to wear a seat belt, its safe for him to drive. Next Friday night Johnny and Sally decide to go joy rideing, without any thought of where it might take them. Next it's Jim and Susie, then Huck and Joana; pretty soon the whole neighborhood will be driving!
This is clearly an unacceptable situation. Johnny has no idea what he really wants. Sally is not capable of recollecting what it means to drive. Neither Huck nor Joana is ready to reach any type of destination. And Jim and Susie have no idea that there is only one reason to drive.
My opponents try to justify their wish to introduce seat belt courses into public schools by saying that seat belts prevent harmful accidents. They fail to mention the fact that even the best seat belts fail at least one percent of the time. Instead they bring out their airbags and their ABS and their collapsible frames, but even when you use all of these systems together, you are not truly safe. Although physical injury can be reasonably ruled out, these systems do nothing for the emotional devastation that results from one driving before they are ready. Kids today lack the experience to know about being ready. I, being experienced, would like to tell them that they are not ready. I, being of high moral character, understand what it means to be ready.
Not only do seat belts fail to prevent emotional damage, they also are not easy systems to use.When used incorrectly, seat belts fail over half of the time. How are today's young children suppose to grasp the complexities of the modern seat belt? I myself had to try at least seven times before I could get my first (and proudly only) seat belt on. After that, my single moment of weakness, I promised that I would never use a seat belt again. I don't even like to drive! I don't see how anyone could correctly use a seat belt the first time. The distractions driving introduce, the "heat of the moment" if you will, only compound this problem. If I couldn't do it when I was completely calm and detached from any "heat of the moment," it is surly impossible to do while under pressure. Schools have no place teaching the use of these treacherous and overly complicated devices!
But it's irrelevant. All of these valid reasons for not teaching seat belts are superseded by the most important fact. Wearing a seat belt is an affront to God. I see no reason why any further justification is necessary.
Seat belts represent the greatest danger to our kids that exists in the world today. If we do not continue to do everything in our power to stop those God hating heathens, those liberals, from forcing seat belt education on our schools, we will have no public education system left to be proud of. I call on you today to do the moral thing. Write your local representative and tell him that you do not think seat belt usage should be taught in school. Tell him that you do not wish our nation's youth grow up believing that aimless driving is acceptable, enjoyable, or, god-forbid, healthy. Tell him that we are a moral nation that will not stand for amoral seat belts and the loathsome activities they encourage! As always, morality prevails!
(Published in Issue 1)
1 comment:
For those of you who may be wondering:
This piece is NOT about seat belts!
Thank you for your time. Have a good day.
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